People have to be hungry in order not to think

[imText1]There are many ways the North Korean administration maintains their authority; the two representative methods are through ‘food policy’ and ‘goods policy.’ This means to rule the people using food and goods as a tool.

North Korea uses the slogans ‘bestowals from the leader’ and ‘consideration by the leader’ to infuse idolization of Kim Jong Il into peoples’ minds. With grain, they convince people it was directly from the Suryeong (the Supreme Leader), who in turn are taught to cry thankfully to the point of needing a handkerchief, because of Suryeong’s consideration for them. The food policy, the current policy, is the way of the North Korean administration: to unenlighten the people.

To stand reason, if North Korea made the land belong to the nation it had to belong to all people. But ‘belong to nation’ in North Korea doesn’t mean that belong to all people but it belongs exclusively to Kim Jong Il, who stands on the Korean Worker’s Party.

North Korean administration takes all the grains that people harvested with their sweat and distributes it back to them. Workers then have to come to work to obtain the rice. Workers walk off to work like a calf that skewered its nose. Moreover they have to go where the Party arranges them to get the foods, if not they become jobless and are therefore, a taegongja(the person who neglects duty).

To move offices, the steps are extremely complicated. Party move certificates, foods suspension certification, wages certification, military move certification, incumbency certification. etc. are demanded. If even one is missing, it’s impossible to carry out the procedure for work. To execute this rule, law agencies pull up by the root any little phenomenon which is suspected to be against socialism, saying that it is an ‘anti-socialist phenomenon.’

Is the population of North Korea high?

After 1995, during the time of massive starvation, what Kim Jong Il wanted, was to ‘reduce the population.’ When millions of people were dying, people couldn’t abuse Kim Jong Il directly. People just said “Does the General know this fact…,” ‘the people who work under the general are the ones to blame,” or the general does not know the situation because they keep telling lies to him.”

Then was Kim Jong Il really not aware?

At that time, Kim Jong Il said to his trusted men that “People who are sick and do not have any working capabilities, it is better for me that they disappear as soon as possible. Our Republic will be in good condition, only with a steel tub like the Army and 300 Party members.”(testimony from a cook of Kim Jong Il, Hujimoto Kenzi)

At that time in North Korea, the old, weak, women, children and Party members died faster than others of starvation. As if the phenomenon was attmpting to prove the words of Kim Jong Il when he was rumored to say, “there are too many people in our country so the death of people are needed.”

It happened on the way Kim Jong Il visited Russia. Kim Jong Il was on his private train when he saw a caravan of people trying to get some food from Hamhung to Duman river.

When the train got in Russian territory, Kim Jong Il said “This land is really wide, twenty million people is too many for our country which does not have much land. The (socialist) System was so good, it swelled (the population).” People around him who heard those words, clucked that Kim Jong Il is insane.

Kim Jong Il also told his family that “people have to be hungry in order not to think. About 20 million is reasonable for our land.”

Every new year, Kim Jong Il mobilizes people to do rubbish to cultivate the field and fill it right back up. In winter, if the peasants do not have work to do, they will think of another idea to make them busy to prevent it and even to make them work for nothing.

Having two kids are too many, three is unconscientious

It is not hard to hear that Kim Jong Il do not like people themselves. While in power, Kim Il Sung was reputed to love children. He talked with kids while he was just passing and sometimes he took kids in his car.

However Kim Jong Il is different. He told his followers that “Women are delivering many babies to get much consideration from the Party these days” and also said “One is good, having two kids are too many, three is unconscientious.” One is good, two is much, three is unconscientious. Kim Jong Il said this in the 80s, this mention is actually framed in the hallway of the Pyungyang Sanwon(Obstetrics and gynecology hospotal) main gate.
There were no people who died of hunger in North Korea at least until the 80s. 23 million people were able to afford their food and their life. But after Kim Jong Il took power, there were food shortages every single year, and ultimately, a massive amount of people were killed in the 90s.

He is saying that people have to be hungry while he is provided with all kinds of delicacies. Is it possible for the North Korean people to overcome starvation when this kind of person is ruler?