The Rodong Sinmun newspaper published a photo of Kim Jong Un's portrait juxtaposed with those of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il in a report on May 22 saying that the North Korean leader had attended a ceremony to dedicate the Central Cadres Training School on May 21, 2024. (Rodong Sinmun, News1)

North Korea’s premier party institution, the Pyongyang Central Cadres Training School, recently conducted a seminar focused on implementing Kim Jong Un’s latest political theories and directives.

According to a source, the seminar held last month centered on Kim’s Oct. 10, 2024 speech titled “Officials should become communist revolutionaries who are possessed of the Party’s original ideals and spirit as their mental qualities.” The gathering aimed to strengthen the link between party policy and official training while improving implementation strategies.

Participants systematically analyzed Kim’s ideas to enhance cadre training programs and advance national revival efforts. A key focus was bridging the gap between policy and training to ensure officials could better understand and execute party directives, with emphasis on strengthening their political and ideological foundations.

The seminar proposed several initiatives, including new educational programs to transmit party values to younger generations, scientific resource allocation methods, and streamlined decision-making processes to improve economic management efficiency.

However, critics dismiss the talk of simplified decision-making as unrealistic given North Korea’s centralized system and entrenched bureaucracy. “Officials must constantly defer to their superiors, making independent decisions impossible regardless of the situation,” the source explained. “Claims about improving policy implementation through streamlined decision-making are mere propaganda.” Without fundamental reforms, breaking from established patterns appears unlikely.

During the seminar, the school emphasized its evolving role from a mere training institute to a core policy research directorate supporting party initiatives. Officials praised the gathering as a “crucial step in strengthening the alignment between party policy and cadre education under Comrade General Secretary Kim Jong Un’s guidance.”

Following the seminar, party schools across cities and counties received orders to incorporate the discussed concepts into their training programs – much to the frustration of current students. “Officials in the six-month county party school program complained about having to study the seminar materials,” the source said. “They grumbled that it would have been better to simply let them coast through their training instead of adding this new burden.”

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