Following a Daily NK report on Apr. 8 about the financial exploitation of North Korean workers in Russia, North Korea’s Ministry of State Security updated a training video for overseas workers, Daily NK has learned.
Speaking on condition of anonymity, a source in North Korea told Daily NK on Thursday that this month the overseas workers training subsection (a nonpermanent organization) of the Overseas Counterintelligence Bureau at the Ministry of State Security revised a video that is screened for workers selected for overseas assignments. The revised video emphasizes the danger of leaking information and fraternizing with foreign organizations.
The revision of the training video appears to be a response to a series of articles Daily NK has printed based on tips received since it posted a banner on its website last November soliciting tips and contact from North Koreans living overseas.
“The training video goes into detail about how making contact with reactionary media operating in capitalist states damages national security,” the source said.
Significantly, the video specifically mentioned the word “tip.” “Don’t commit the foolish act of getting mixed up with foreign newspapers on the pretext of providing a tip. We’ll never stop until we’ve hunted down all reactionary elements of that sort,” the video said.
The Ministry of State Security appears to be striving to shore up the ideological commitment of workers scheduled to be assigned overseas because Daily NK keeps receiving tips that enable it to write more articles about the situation in North Korea despite the ministry’s orders to stamp out “impure elements” inside the country.
“In the video, [the Ministry of State Security] explained in detail how “a handful of enemies” are using cunning methods to seduce and buy off North Korean officials and workers dispatched overseas and involving them in acts of hostility against the Republic. The video also stressed that [the ministry] will take measures to prevent and crush any attempts by overseas workers to leak information or engage in reactionary behavior,” the source said.
“[The video] also explained how agreeing with or engaging in reactionary behavior is considered a serious crime against the Republic that carries the penalty of ‘the annihilation of three generations.’ Workers were advised to be on their best behavior since they will remain under surveillance while overseas,” the source added.
The video also sought to reassure workers. “There’s no reason to be scared because this is intended to help you more effectively resist the various temptations that you may encounter in your work overseas. While you’re overseas, think of your beloved children and other family members who remain back home as you give your all to your country while resisting every dark whisper of temptation,” the video said.
The video uses a “good cop, bad cop” approach of first terrifying workers with language about “the annihilation of three generations” and then reassuring them that “there’s no reason to be scared.” That reflects how the North Korean authorities are doing everything in their power to keep overseas workers loyal to the regime.
Translated by David Carruth. Edited by Robert Lauler.
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