Tag: anti-socialist behavior

N. Koreans ordered to watch conference honoring “Kimilsungism” declaration

North Korea will hold a conference to mark the 50th anniversary of Kim Jong Il's declaration of the doctrine of "society-wide adoption of Kimilsungism."...

N. Korean military pushes back hard on “invasion of foreign culture”...

Room 79 of the General Political Bureau's Publishing Censorship Department recently initiated a sweeping crackdown on what it calls the “invasion of foreign culture"...

Public struggle session carried out against 10 people in Hyesan

In March, North Korean authorities publicly condemned around 10 young people in Yanggang Province who engaged in anti-socialist and non-socialist behavior, Daily NK has...

N. Korea orders campaign against young people singing songs with altered...

The North Korean government has recently ordered that a vigorous campaign be waged against a recent trend among North Korean young people to sing...

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