Supporting North Korean Bongsu Church Is Supporting the Labor Party of North Korea

[imText1]Pastor Issac, of the Motungidol mission, which has been focusing on North Korean missions, stressed that “Churches that are part of the North Korean Christians Federation have been using the Bongsu Church and the Chilgol Church for publicity, although the funds and goods sent as donations all go towards the Labor Party”.

Pastor Lee said in an interview with the Future Korea Newspaper that, “Of the 20,000 or so people confined in political concentration camps, about 11% are known to be from Christian groups, however, there are actually many more members than this in confinement”.

Pastor Lee revealed that “The number of Christians within political concentration camps are not decreasing, as members are continuously caught and brought from the outside.”

Pastor Lee, who has led the North Korean mission’s movement during the past 20 years, asserted “About 35,000 people of the Christian faith in North Korea are directly connected to our organization, and about 28 underground churches have been directly established. It has been estimated that there are about 1,000 in all.”

He mentioned that “Supporting North Korean underground members is possible only when avoiding the transport routes used by North Korean authorities. You can meet many Christians living in North Korea with their identities hidden in this manner”.

Pastor Lee has visited North Korea on numerous occasions since 1989 to preach the gospel, and deliver rations and medical supplies. However, eluding the essential issue of North Korea religion and oppression of human rights, he said he feels aversion to silent support for North Korea, and professed the necessity of eliminating the North Korean regime.

Pastor Lee disclosed that “A North Korean, knowing that he was a pastor, requested a pastoral prayer in tears, lamenting that there is no place to send his tithes.”

In regard to North Korean liberalization, he emphasized that “The route to reviving the North Korean people is not through aid justified by the Sunshine Policy, but through the inflow of information through broadcasts, written missions and release of balloons.”

On the other hand, he “Is most energetic when leading youth” and revealed his aspiration to “Educate youth in order to prepare the next generation for rebuidling after the North Korean government collapses.”