State of Emergency Livin’

All countries have different levels of instruction for their people depending on the gravity of that nation’s international relations. In the case of North Korea this means; a state preparedness; a state of mobilization and preparation for war; a quasi-state of war; and lastly a full state of war.

Such instructions are handed down from the Party in Pyongyang to soldiers in each corps, housewives and even pensioners through the Party in each province and county, cells of the Party and the Union of Democratic Women.

When the authorities declare a state of emergency in order to mobilize the military, how do the lives of the North Korean soldiers and citizens change?

When a state of emergency is declared, all North Korean armed personnel internal migration is stopped, with exception of urgent or unavoidable business.

According to the North Korean People’s Army regulations, soldiers are allowed to take 15-days vacation and have special vacations both as reward and for weddings during the period of service, and to be absent in order to obtain materials for the unit. However, when a declaration is made, nobody, at any rank, can go off-base.

In ordinary times, when a soldier violates regulations, goes off-base without permission or harms civilians, they are generally not strictly punished, but in an emergency state, they may be shot.

In the state of emergency, military officials and generals cannot go home and have to stay on-base until a discharge order comes down.

Local Reserve Forces, which maintain fighting power equivalent to the regular army, exist under the same conditions as the regular army.

The Worker’s and Peasant’s Red Guard and civilians’ situations are no different. The Party Secretaries of enterprises host propaganda events and ideological education to encourage workers to achieve revolutionary feats.

General civilians are taking part in diverse drills including blackout drill. While drills Community Watch Guards consisting of university students and the Worker and Peasant Red Guard control and monitor them. If they cannot follow the drill regulations properly, they are punished harshly in People’s Unit or workers’ meetings.

Therefore, everyone is anxious not to make any tiny mistakes.

In the state, appearances change as well. Ordinary citizens wear khaki pseudo-military uniforms and bring rucksacks full of emergency medicine and corn powder for emergency food.

It is the best way for the ruling elite to control both society and people, of course.