A documentary film glorifying the achievements of Kim Jong Eun is being shown to soldiers in North Korea, part of ongoing efforts to burnish the image of the successor and establish his power base.
Kim, a 28-year old male in the middle of his military service near Nampo in South Pyongan Province revealed the news to The Daily NK today, saying, “They have been showing us the documentary film ‘One Year under the Banner of the Supreme Leader’ since the start of September.”
The expression ‘supreme leader’ lends weight to the supposition that Kim Jong Eun’s takeover of power in the military sector is proceeding well, although it is clearly very early to be producing such propaganda.
On December 24th, 1991, when Kim Jong Il officially took command of the Chosun People’s Army, he was also labeled the ‘Great Supreme Leader’ and a documentary film to promote his greatness, ‘Carrying the Great Supreme Leader’, was made. However, he had already been the successor for almost 20 years at that time.
The film begins, Kim revealed, with Kim Jong Eun’s appearance at last year’s Workers’ Party Delegates’ Conference and the words, “Following in the footsteps of the General, offering guidance to the troops, comrade General Kim Jong Eun delivers a great blow to the enemy with the resourcefulness of his keen insight.”
He is thereafter seen offering guidance to an artillery unit and overseeing the pattern of an artillery attack, which appears to have been taken in November last year when Kim visited a base in Hwanghae Province.
“In the film, he is seen alone, visiting military bases; mostly a lot of film of him going to artillery bases. The message is meant to be that he is well-versed in artillery matters,” Kim explained.
“Additionally, it goes on, ‘He is a great Supreme Leader who has promised to show us command automation and modernization of the entire military,’ while promoting him as a man skilled in computing,” he further noted.
“Thanks to having two great supreme leaders, we have nothing to fear,” the film reportedly proclaims, concluding with the words, “With the great comrade General and the resourcefulness of his keen insight, the Chosun People’s Army is invincible.”