“South Korea One-sidedly Hit With Kim Jong Il’s Ideological Warfare” Hwang Jang Yop

[imText1]President of the North Korean Democratization Alliance, Hwang Jang Yop said that the reason pro-North Korea forces have recently increased in South Korea is due to the fact that appropriate measures against North Korea’s ideological warfare have not been made. President Hwang claims that in order to confront North Korea’s ideological battle, we must begin by increasing political ideas.

In “Hwang Jang Yop’s Lectures” aired on FreeNK Broadcast on the 23rd, President Hwang asserted “North Korea is preparing its ideological battle based on the concept of ‘war’ and yet, South Korea is being hit one-sidedly as it denies accepting this fact.”

President Hwang said “North Korea continuously tries to infiltrate politics and extend its ideological warfare and foreign battles, but the people here do not consider it as war.”

“The people here show sensitive responses to changes in U.S. or Japanese policy and risk their aspirations on pot luck,” “However, the better way to resolve this fundamental issue is by strengthening ideology through education and raising the awareness of the people” he said.

Further, he stressed “Even though we may live an abundant life and produce great underground resources such as oil, this will not be sufficient in creating a developed society” and “We cannot view our society to be advanced until we have raised awareness of ideology and increased scientific breakthroughs.”

Regarding the upcoming Presidential election, President Hwang said “What kind of leader can we expect from people who are only concerned with votes” and asserted “The standard must be raised (of the people’s understanding of ideology) and we must create our own leader.”

He said “Though North Korea will probably not be destroyed within the year, ultimately it will head in the direction of ruin” and emphasized “If not for the role of defectors but even ourselves, we must look towards increasing our standard of political ideology.”