Extra Images of ‘Laos 9’ Emerge

Additional images of a group of young defectors who were forcibly repatriated to North Korea from Laos last week have been made public.

The images, which were released by Professor Park Sun Young of Dongguk University and the NGO Dream Makers for North Korea over the last two days, were taken in mid-April, days prior to the group’s departure from China for Laos. According to Professor Park, “They departed China on April 29th; these photos are the most recent ones of them.”

Park also released a postcard showing the group last Christmas, which was sent to persons donating to the cause. This was done partly to counter the claim that the group had been victims of human trafficking. “These photos show that this was not human trafficking,” she said.

The Laotian authorities made the assertion. However, according to Park, missionaries aided the group out of a simple humanitarian impulse to help them reach South Korea and the United States.