Monthly Archives: March 2023

Hyesan conducts civil defense drills from late February to early March

Civil defense drills were recently carried out in Hyesan, Yanggang Province, Daily NK has learned. “Hyesan is running air raid drills and evacuation drills as...
Wonsan park north korean police ministry

N. Korea’s national police agency orders punishments for those disturbing public order

On Feb. 10, North Korea's Ministry of Social Security issued an order to curb and punish “criminal activity that causes social chaos and disturbs...
North Korean women in Dandong sojourn

Female North Korean worker in China falls victim to sexual assault

A female North Korean worker in China recently suffered an unwanted pregnancy after multiple sexual assaults by a male manager, a reporting partner in...

Some N. Koreans appear to suffer from effects of “long COVID”

Some North Koreans who fell victim to COVID-19 appear to be dealing with symptoms of "long COVID," such as lower cognitive function, breathing problems...

Daily NK Snapshots from North Korea – Week of February 20, 2023

Daily NK Snapshots are synopses of select articles from our Korean website. Snapshots provide a window into Daily NK’s reporting and into everyday life...

N. Korea researching ways to dispatch ambulances more quickly

North Korea is conducting research into dispatching ambulances more quickly as it seeks to develop a faster and more effective emergency response system. An article...

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