Uriminzokkiri TV Attacks ROK Military

Uriminzokkiri, a North Korean website aimed at South Korea, has heavily criticized the ROK military’s distribution to all units of an educational resource describing the “reality” of domestic pro-North Korea factions.

The educational documents were published on the 10th of last month by the South Korean Ministry of National Defense.

‘Uriminzokkiri TV,’ which, like the website of the same name, is operated by the North Korean Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland, released the 9-minute video entitled ‘The Vile Scheme behind the Distribution of the Reality of Jongbuk (pro-North Korea) Forces’ yesterday.

Uriminzokkiri TV asserted, “The military authorities have openly declared war on nine organizations described as pro-North Korean in the document. However, they are pro-unification patriotic groups.”

“All that these groups do is call for the peaceful unification of the country, and declaring them enemies is both unspeakable and implies that the military will undertake the massacre of civilians,” it went on.

“The conservative regime has distributed this so as to declare that certain civilians are enemies and as a way to say that anyone who hopes for democratization and the reunification of the fatherland must be purged,” it added, before asserting that there may be a repeat of the 1980 massacre in Gwangju on the cards.