We Request a Full Scale Reexamination of Policies toward N.Korea

The North Korean regime at last launched the missiles it had been threatening to launch, despite serious concerns and warnings from the international community. North Korea has increased already severe tensions in North-East Asia by launching a number of missiles, including the Daepodong 2, beginning at four o’clock this morning.

The missile launch is unacceptable as it contradicts Pyongyang’s 2002 Statement promising to stop trial launches of missiles, and defies the spirit of the joint statement of last September’s six party talks. The North Korean missile launch comes after consonant concerns from abroad, and is nothing less than a challenge and an insult to the international community.

It has been speculated that North Korea launched the missiles in order to strengthen the Kim Jong Il dictatorship and gain concessions by creating tensions among neighboring countries. However, the international community has learned not to give into such strategies as it has become more familiar with North Korea’s manipulative ways. Responding to North Korean threats will only lead to isolation and criticism from international community.

This incident has further clarified North Korea’s desire to create tension on the Korean peninsula and attempt to increase their gains through the use of threats, while seeming open to discussions on the surface. A reevaluation of policies toward North Korea that adhered to generosity and offered concessions has become necessary.

The South Korean government carried out policies to North Korea under the assumption that North Korea would pursue its interests through reasonable means, which, due to this recent incident, must now be abandoned. We request that the South Korean government reexamine policies toward North Korea through open discussion, as the existing policies have led to a misjudgment of North Korea.

It is of particular significance that North Korea launched the missiles despite the request by China, a country known to have influence over North Korea, to abandon the threats. This incident illustrates that China does not have determinate influence over North Korea regarding certain issues. Therefore, the South Korean policy of “Moving Pyongyang through Beijing” must now be reexamined.

We believe that pressure from international community must be strongly enforced in order to prevent North Korea from believing that their threats could be effective. The message must be sent that with unacceptable behavior comes consequence.