North Seizes Chance Offered by Lim

As criticism of United Democratic Party lawmaker Lim Soo Kyung continues to mount in South Korea following her crude remarks labeling North Korean defectors “rootless” and “turncoats” during a meeting with one such defector in a Seoul public house, one of North Korea’s main propaganda websites targeting the South, ‘Uriminzokkirri’, has released an article building on her words.

In the article on the 7th entitled “The Reason Why Defectors Are Turncoats”, the website, which is operated by the North Korean Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland, reasserted the North Korean position that those who flee the country, no matter how valid the reason, are traitors.

The article declares, “What kinds of human beings are labeled ‘turncoats’? The word refers to those who have turned their backs on their principles and loyalties. Imagine someone who would say they are hungry and cold and so abandon the mother who gave birth to them and raised – how could you call this person a human being?”

“Before we call them turncoats, we would be right to call them human scum, or rather insects that should never have been born,” it asserted.

The main aim of ‘Uriminzzokkiri’ is the fomenting of unrest in South Korean society, which it does by taking social issues present in the South and working to exacerbate them by creating what is called ‘South-South conflict’.