Without Structural Reform, the Fundamental Resolution of the Nuclear Issue a Challenge

[imText1]On the condition that North Korea citizen’s human rights does not improve, it will be difficult to resolve North Korea’s nuclear issue.

Kim Tae Woo, Arms Control Studies Division in Korea Institute for Defense Analyses’ section chief, stated at the lecture “Rightly Knowing North Korea,” held by the Youth and College Students Alliance for Human Rights in North Korea (Representative Sung Ha Yoon) and Network for North Korean Democracy and Human Rights (the chairman Yoo Se Hee), on the 10th: “As long as North Korea’s human rights problem remains, the North Korean power cannot escape pressure from the international society. If the human rights problem is criticized, North Korea will cling onto nuclear weapons to evade this.”

Mr. Kim stressed, “North Korea will not give up its nuclear weapons in order to preserve its system, even if the problem is temporarily resolved. North Korea will always use the nuclear card if it evaluates that the preservation of its structure is being threatened.”

He added, “After the February 13th agreement, North Korea will pretend to give up its nuclear weapons, but will cajole the maximum amount of aid from international society. At this rate, North Korea’s nuclear weapons will not be dismantled and threat will remain.”

He said, “In order for North Korea’s nuclear issue to be genuinely resolved, the system has to be reformed. We have to eliminate the problem of North Korea’s structure at the February 13th agreement.”

Regarding the plan of resolution for the North Korea nuclear problem, he said, “The reason why Kim Jung Il and his attendants put their lives on the line to preserve the system is that if the system collapses, they do not have assurance of their survival. In order to lead reform of the North Korean structure, the security of North Korea’s senior management has to be preserved.”

In relation to the possibility of coup d’etat inside North Korea, he forecasted, “There is a possibility of coup d’etat in North Korea. In such case, it is feasible that China will mobilize military strength and will make a dependency state out of North Korea, so only by allowing U.S. to come forward can South Korea have leadership.”

At today’s lecture, 50 students from Kyunghee, Sukmyung Women’s University, Hanyang, and Sokang Universities participated and held a heated discussion. The touring lecture “2007 Rightly Knowing North Korea,” which began at Myungji University on March 27th, will end on the 11th with Center for Free Enterprise Vice President Lee Chun Geun’s lecture.